• Grief turning into gratitude

    I always start my posts with a little welcome. Hello friends, I pray you all are in good health. Or at least practicing better habits. I have been utilizing my time in the best way possible, in the gym and weight lifting. I am back into travel nursing. So it is an opportunity to see…

  • creating healthy boundaries

    Hello everyone, It is a cold day here in Michigan, but I am thankful for the gift of life and the ability to breathe without assistance. I pray that everyone of you is learning, growing, and evolving in your own personal journeys. So as I always say, “Get comfy, (like the picture here…lol) maybe not…

  • Letter to my loved one.

    Good evening, Somehow, I think of if I was ever to get remarried or be committed to someone else, what words would I say to him? Would he be able to understand my thinking? Would he be willing to love me in my worst and darkest moments? Would he be willing and commit to accepting…

  • We Tired y’all!

    Hello Everyone, It has been several months. I apologize for my untimely absence. I will not lie to you all, Life has been kicking my rear. I have had several talks over the last several months with close friends of mine about what is bothering me. Why I feel my mental has been taking hit…

  • MOTHERHOOD after a loss: survival mode

    A day early because I believe some of you needed this!!  Happy Mother’s Day to you all and the ones I could not tag! Hope tomorrow shows you what’s truly important. Dear Mama, Embrace me for a moment will you!? I for starters,want to tell you I see you. I empathize with you. I…

  • Love through the midst of it all ♥️♥️♥️

    A little passage I wrote bc I want my kids to know I love them and I want my mom to know even though she’s gone, I have always loved her through and through. And right now I am filled with loss, sorrow, and hope that I can be the mother my kids need: Sons…

  • Life amidst a pandemic

    Hello, It’s been a year since I’ve written on this platform. And my oh my has so much occurred since. I had my son July 22, 2020. My last post was July 3, 2020. Miguel is now a year and I will say, he is definitely my missing piece to my puzzle. Life is now…

  • Depression. The unseen Illness

    Depression. Take a moment and define it in your own words. I don’t want to give you the textbook definition. Only because it doesn’t define everyone that suffers from it. I struggle even today from depression. It began when I was 14. The first time I knew rape was unacceptable. I was molested prior but…

  • As a Woman Today

    Being a woman is different than what men think. Y’all have a set definition for us women. You sometimes seem to think our life as a woman isn’t hard. But it can be. You have to fully understand what we go through dealing with men and life in general. Being a woman is a blessing…

  • Forgiveness

    Inspiration: I have been watching series of individuals who have received life sentences or death sentences for various crimes. One thing they spoke on was being able to forgive themselves. Not so much ask others for forgiveness, but to find peace within themselves as they live the rest of their lives with the choices that…